Thursday, June 5, 2008

God's Miracles

My daughter sort of indirectly got me into this blogging thing, even tho I've been participating on Internet BBS's for over 10 years. Never really thought to just write about random thoughts, however, this will give me an outlet to do so.

With that in mind, back to today's topic. My daughter and son-in-law are proud parents of three girls and one boy. Since they live about 1200 miles away, seeing them is a special treat. But, as mentioned earlier, my daughter's very, very good at keeping family informed as to what's going on in her life. . . and including pictures to illustrate the joys and tears of both childhood and parenthood.

Watching from afar, and as a grandparent, it has given me a new perspective on God's miracles. When your children are growing up around you, you don't see the subtle changes that take place on a day-to-day basis. One day they're babies, and it seems like the next day they've flown the nest. But when you only see children once or twice a year, the growth becomes extremely obvious. It truly makes you understand God's miracle of birth, and the tremendous burden he's placed on parents to provide a good role model.

There is a sad thing about all this, unfortunately: God doesn't present a newborn's parents with an owner's manual. One has to learn along with the child, for some the lessons do not sink in until much later in life, if at all.

And sometimes, when you're over the hill and tumbling down faster than an avalanche, you come to the realization that, for whatever reasons, you missed a lot of the lessons. . .

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