Saturday, June 7, 2008

06-07-08. . . Once in a lifetime for some of us

One of the little amusements that has made surviving into the 21st century entertaining is this thing with the calendar, where the day's date becomes sequential.

Remember 01-01-01 back on New Year's Day in 2001?

Or February 1, 2003? That reads 01-02-03.

Today continues that trend, being 06-07-08.

I'm sure there's some sort of name for this phenomena, but I'll leave that up to others to research.

My point is that for everyone currently alive, world-wide, this is the only time in their lives when this will occur, at least until the year 2014 (December 13, 2014). After that, it won't occur until the next century, starting over again on January 1, 3001.

I don't think I'll hang around to experience this all over again. . . :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Canada goes day-month-year so technically, up here that special day will be july 6th!

you can start looking forward to august 8th down there i guess!